Anyone who knows me well understands my issues with cooking. Basically, I don't like it. However, part of my commitment to health and wellness has been forcing myself to learn to cook different types of foods. It's easy for me to cook a frozen or boxed dinner, or warm up a can of soup, but in the long run I don't want to be stuck with only that option. DM, friends, future husband, and kids will probably appreciate this step quite a bit. So, that's the background to this latest health food I've added to my diet. I'll also say that I store this food in a container next to the candy in my apartment, and given the choice, I'll almost always grab this food. All that to say I really do love it. At least in this form...
Until a few weeks ago, I had never eaten kale, and would have politely passed it on if it had been offered to me. Something about the name and the looks just sounded disgusting to me. However, after reading about Kale being a super food in the February Real Simple Magazine, and seeing numerous people talking about it on twitter, I decided to check it out for myself. I have to be honest-even buying it I felt nervous as I knew I'd actually have to try some of it. So, with trepidation, I set out to make some kale chips. (excuse the lower quality of the pictures-they were taken on my phone)
Take the kale and cut the leafy part away from the thick stalk:
Then tear the leafy parts into smaller, chip sized pieces. Wash and dry.
Spread on a baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil and sea salt, and cook on 350 degrees for 10 minutes. YUM!
Don't worry, they become crunchy, and they are absolutely delicious! I could eat them all day! Seriously, in the course of 8 days I ate a huge clump (4 baking sheets worth) of them all by myself! Oddly enough, even though I had lots of Valentine's Day candy sitting around, I chose instead to eat these... something MUST be wrong with me! Simple, delicious, and healthy-my idea of the perfect recipe!
What's one of your favorite comfort foods? Are there any other ways you've used kale in recipes?
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